Any time you obtain a brand new hosting, it is created on a server and the overall process normally takes some time, in addition to the verification and processing of your transaction, which a lot of companies execute manually. When you buy a dedicated server, for example, the configuration takes longer as the unit has to be assembled, set up and tested so as to warrant that it will operate efficiently. Because of this, the majority of suppliers have a one-time charge in order to cover the time and efforts spent on your new account. The fee, which sometimes is quite high, is normally not listed on the main page, but you'll find it on your checkout or payment page, so you won't be familiar with it before you have already completed the whole signup process and you may even overlook it if you do not pay close attention.

Setup Fee in Hosting

Our hosting plans lack any setup fees or any other obscured fees as a general rule. If you order your account, we'll process your payment immediately and the account will be generated and activated from our system right away. The total cost that you'll need to pay for your website hosting package is the same all around - on our front, order & payment pages, and you won't find or be charged anything in addition to that cost anytime. This is valid irrespective of whether you buy several accounts since it's our principle that creating trust is more important than receiving a few more dollars. Your account activation is instant, which means that you'll be able to proceed and begin setting up your sites straight away.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers

If you purchase a dedicated server through us, all you will have to pay will be the regular monthly cost for the plan. We will put together the hardware that you've picked throughout the signup, we will set up an Operating System, web server, website hosting Control Panel and all other software that comes with our packages, then test the machine, but we will never ask you to pay anything extra for that. The fee for the dedicated server you pick will be the same - on our main page, on the order page and during your payment process, and there will be no concealed costs of any type. If you acquire a dedicated server using our Hepsia control panel and you already have a shared web hosting account through our company, we will transfer all your data - again free of charge.