A mailing list is a list of email addresses which can receive the same email message simultaneously. If an email is sent to the principal address associated with the list, for example – newsletter@your-domain.com, it is re-sent automatically to all the email addresses that are included in that mailing list. This option will allow you to contact subscribers without any effort, so you can send out newsletters or any other info on a periodic basis to all of your customers. Based on the app that is being used to manage the mailing list, addresses can be included manually by the list’s administrator or people have to register, giving their explicit consent to receive email messages in the future. A mailing list will save you lots of time and will enable you to remain in touch with your clients easily, which can increase the reputation of your web site.

Mailing Lists in Hosting

In case you’ve got a hosting with us and you would like to set up a mailing list, it will take less than sixty seconds and a few mouse clicks to accomplish that. You can create and delete mailing lists using the Email Manager instrument, which is part of our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel. During the process, you will be able to pick the mailbox that will be used to send email messages to your mailing list subscribers and the admin address and password which you’ll use, so as to be able to configure different settings, to authorize and delete users, and so on. You can edit the admin info whenever you want from the very same section of the Control Panel. We employ Majordomo, a powerful and popular mailing list client, which will give you full control over the routine electronic communication with your subscribers.