The so-called WHOIS details of every registered domain include information regarding the registrar firm, the registration and expiration dates, along with the names, phone number, postal address and e-mail address of the owner, the administrator and the tech/billing person. WHOIS is a specific protocol that lets you retrieve all of this info through a command line or by using one of the many websites that provide WHOIS lookup services. All contact details must be up-to-date in line with the policies of ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. If some of the information is not accurate, the domain name may be reported and the result may be its deletion or losing its ownership. A few country-specific domain address extensions have specific limitations for the editing of their WHOIS details, but in the general case any detail can be modified openly and at any moment. Such a change will appear on lookup websites within 24 hours.

Full WHOIS Management in Hosting

Through a hosting plan from our company, you're going to be able to handle the WHOIS details of all Internet domain names registered here using the same Hepsia CP where you will manage your hosting space. The Internet domain names are going to be conveniently listed in alphabetical order and you will be able to see the WHOIS info for each of them with just one click. You can modify any part of the Registrant, Administrative, Technical and Billing contacts as much as the respective Registries permit it. We'll assist you with the country-code extensions that allow updates. The automatic updates can be made using the Control Panel. The generic extensions could be updated whenever you want and as frequently as you need. Hepsia will even allow you to edit a number of Internet domain names simultaneously, which will save you time and efforts.